Collectors Firearms Transfer Services

Effective August 1st 2024

ALL TRANSFERS WILL BE $40 (excluding Class 3)

Collectors Firearms is happy to offer transfer services for customers sending or receiving gun transfers. Our store policies for facilitating your transfer are outlined below. All transfers are subject to review before completion depending on the item, destination, origin point, or other factors.


Incoming Transfer Costs

Collectors Firearms offers flat-rate transfers for customers picking up their items depending on type;

Class 3: $80 (Fingerprints, Photo, & Filing Included Free of Charge)

Long Guns: $40

Handguns: $40

Other: $40


Outgoing Transfer Costs

Collectors Firearms offers outgoing transfer services including packaging and shipping labels. The cost of outbound transfers is flat-rate + actual shipping cost including insurance for the item being shipped.

Standard Transfer: $40

Class 3: $80

Prohibited Items From Transfer

Collectors Firearms reserves the right to refuse transfer of any items we deem to be prohibited by our policies in place. The following item(s) will not be accepted into our inventory and will not be transferred by Collectors Firearms.

– Any Braced Pistols/AR-15s/AKs/etc.
– Any item of questionable legality
– Any item explicitly banned in the destination state

For any questions or concerns regarding transferring an item with Collectors Firearms please contact us.