ID'd Union Civil War Tintype (MM3408)

Price: $325.00

Item Number: MM3408

Previously sold

This Id'd Union Civil War tintype photo is of first sergeant Caleb Henry Lord. The inscription on the back states the following "Caleb Henry Lord, Papa Nat's brother, that just after peace was declared was shot by a sharpshooter. Buried in Union cemetery at Chattanooga, Tenn." He enlisted in the 2nd Massachusetts Inf. Co. K in Aug 1862. Record shows he was promoted to first sergeant May 24, 1864 and wounded at Kennesaw Mountain, Georgia (Battle of Chattanooga) on Jun 29, 1864 and succumbed to his wounds on Jun 29, 1864. This time line places the date of tintype photo to be late May - early June 1864, weeks before his death. Buried at Chattanooga Union cemetery.