TNW AA M3 semiauto M2HB .50-caliber heavy machine gun clone (R44321)

Price: $17,000.00

Item Number: R44321

Houston Location.

Previously sold

SN: 000652. Made in 2001 with a 45-inch USGI surplus heavy barrel chambered for the .50-caliber cartridge. This is a semiautomatic clone of the Browning M2HB heavy machine gun that was made using surplus M2/M3 parts & a modern side plate. The top cover was made by FN Herstal & the rear sight assembly incorporates a dovetail for mounting optics. Comes with a spare USGI barrel, a USGI traverse/elevation mechanism, a USGI belt-loader & a USGI M3 tripod that was refurbished by Anniston Army Depot in January 1972. Overall condition is very good. *Additional shipping fees apply.
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